Gaith Tellisi
February 20, 2009
Draft 3
Let the Space Solar Shine in
In this 21st century, the serious global issues are threatening the mankind’s safe life, and also the existence on Earth such as global warming and environmental degradation. These issues come from the unbalanced way that human has been using during decades to enhance the standard of their living (“Energy Compensation,”par. 1). The increase of power consumption during the 20th century can be main the reason. In fact, as the population increases, the consumption of energy, food, and some other resources are predicted to increase in the coming years (Valentine, 1). However, experts have started to think of new source of pure energy, which is Space Solar Power Station (SSPS). The concept is that this station is orbiting the Earth and gathers energy from the sun directly. Therefore, the scientists said that this kind of station can provide large quantities of energy to Earth, and it can solve the long term energy problems. Even more, it has a very little environmental impact on Earth.
First of all, SSPS can provide large quantities of energy to Earth, and it can solve the long term energy problems. Basically, it is obvious that the space solar power is not reflected by clouds or any other weather affects. Therefore, the sun shines continuously in space except for two short periods, which are during the equinoxes (Valentine, 2). Furthermore, the estimated lifetime of the sun is four to five billion years, making the space solar power the clearest long term energy solution. In fact, Earth receives only one part in 2.3 billion of the Sun's output, which make the space solar power so far is the largest potential energy source available. For instance, nearly all spacecrafts are using space solar energy as the main source of power. As a result, this technology combined with the wireless power transmission, which is already exists, can supply the electrical needs of our planet for a long time.
Second, SSPS has a very little environmental impact on Earth. When hearing about the microwave beam and transmit the energy wirelessly to the Earth, people start asking questions whether this beam contains radiations, or will have an effect on the animals and damage the environment. As a result, the opposite is correct, the scientists say that the microwave beam, transmitting to Earth, will heat the atmosphere slightly, and the frequency has to be chosen carefully to avoid cooking any kind of animals, so there is no effect on environment and the animals as well. In addition, some space researches show that the SSPS can be built from materials that are extracted particularly from Moon or near Earth asteroids (“Better Strategy,” par. 3). This means, the full environmental benefits of space solar power is that most of the work will be outside of Earth's biosphere, so SSPS will have clearly zero environmental impact on Earth.
In conclusion, although still an idea far ahead of its time, space solar power station will offer the purest power generating with large quantities of electricity that human need for the coming years. Also, among all other kinds of power generation, none has such gentle environmental impact on Earth. As a result, mankind should support this sort of ideas because it can save the planet, and it will open a new gate to the resources in space.
Works Cited
Valentine, Lee. “Space Solar Power." New Trends in Astrodynamics and Applications
.New Jersey: SSI Princeton Conference, 2008. 1-2.
“Energy Compensation Using Solar Power Stations in Space." 16 Dec. 2008
“A Better Strategy for America and the World?” 17 May. 2007<>
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Importance of Advertisement
Gaith Tellisi
February 10, 2009
The Importance of Advertisement
There are a lot of sources that can help me to understand and to know about any country such as internet, TV or newspapers. However, the advertising considers to be one of the most important factor to know about the country. This means, I extremely agree that the advertisement can tell me a lot of things about the country that I am living in or moving to for many reasons such as where I can find a good food and help me to find which product is right for me.
To begin with, advertising is an important factor that can help me to know where I can find a good food in any country. It does not matter whether I am living in that country or not. For instance, when moving to United States, I find it difficult to find a good places to eat a good and healthy food, but the media or the advertising helped me a lot to figure out where are the best places that I can eat traditional food. Even more, it helped me a lot to know what are the favorite places that the residence of that country always going when they want to eat lunch or dinner. As a result, advertising can tell me from the beginning what is a good place to eat food before I spent my many for nothing.
Second, advertising is such a big factor that helps me to find which product is perfect for me. For example, in the past, when I wanted to buy any product such as cell phone, TV or even furniture, I was spending the whole day just to figure out which product is right for me because I do not know the country that well. Additionally, I was asking the staff in the store, is this product good or not, so I was confused all the time. For that reason, I start watching the advertisements before going to buy anything from the store, and from that moment until now I am doing really well in buying my needs, and I start to know more and more about this country.
In conclusion, it is obvious that the advertising can tell anyone about the country. Moreover, it can make it easier to know about the traditional food in the country. Evermore, it can help me to know which product is right for me. In my opinion, if I want to know more about the country I have to know a lot of friends, but even the commercials and advertisements can tell me more about the country.
February 10, 2009
The Importance of Advertisement
There are a lot of sources that can help me to understand and to know about any country such as internet, TV or newspapers. However, the advertising considers to be one of the most important factor to know about the country. This means, I extremely agree that the advertisement can tell me a lot of things about the country that I am living in or moving to for many reasons such as where I can find a good food and help me to find which product is right for me.
To begin with, advertising is an important factor that can help me to know where I can find a good food in any country. It does not matter whether I am living in that country or not. For instance, when moving to United States, I find it difficult to find a good places to eat a good and healthy food, but the media or the advertising helped me a lot to figure out where are the best places that I can eat traditional food. Even more, it helped me a lot to know what are the favorite places that the residence of that country always going when they want to eat lunch or dinner. As a result, advertising can tell me from the beginning what is a good place to eat food before I spent my many for nothing.
Second, advertising is such a big factor that helps me to find which product is perfect for me. For example, in the past, when I wanted to buy any product such as cell phone, TV or even furniture, I was spending the whole day just to figure out which product is right for me because I do not know the country that well. Additionally, I was asking the staff in the store, is this product good or not, so I was confused all the time. For that reason, I start watching the advertisements before going to buy anything from the store, and from that moment until now I am doing really well in buying my needs, and I start to know more and more about this country.
In conclusion, it is obvious that the advertising can tell anyone about the country. Moreover, it can make it easier to know about the traditional food in the country. Evermore, it can help me to know which product is right for me. In my opinion, if I want to know more about the country I have to know a lot of friends, but even the commercials and advertisements can tell me more about the country.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Replacement of Formal Education
Gaith Tellisi
February 05, 2009
Draft 4
Replacement of Formal Education
End of the formal education system-when teachers or parents look at this phrase, the first reaction will be “Wow it can be such a big disaster for the schools, universities, and institutions”. People in other words will start asking questions, is it a good idea to end the formal education for the children and young youth? What is the replacement? How can that enhance and develop their lives without the formal system? All these questions can be difficult to answer; however, some teachers have figured out a solution, which is a non-formal education system. This new system considers to be more effectively. It will help the children to learn about their world and the meaning of working together (Holt 61, 62).
First of all, most of parents believe that the formal education system is important for their children to increase their knowledge and improve their intelligent skills, but they have to learn about their outside world and practical life as well. In other words, the children need to get out of the school buildings, and they have to get out of that closed environment (61). Unfortunately, when hearing about the outside learning, people handle it as a crazy idea in the beginning. However, teachers start recently to understand the importance of teaching their students outside the schools, and give them the opportunity to know about their world. For instance, some States in the United States start planning to have public schools without buildings. Even more, they are trying to involve and encourage their students in groups to go to the city and learn as if it were their school. For example, they should go to the museums, industries, businesses, and do some activities in the city to teach them some useful general life skills, which can help them to communicate with the outside world in the future (62).
In addition, the non-formal system encourages the children to work together to teach them how they should support and help each other. In fact, when starting doing some researches about the children, the teachers believe that the children have the ability to teach each other. As Holt said, “Let children work together to help each other, learn from each other and each other’s mistakes”. As an example, some schools start involving their students who are in the highest grader to help the students who are in the first grader and having some studying troubles. After a period of time, they find a lot of improvements. Some other schools are also trying to add a kind of new technique to their system called Paired Learning, which means that the children should interact with each other by giving them the same task and let them work together and share the same tests. Also let them share the same results and goals in order to teach them how that will help them in their real world (62).
In conclusion, the answers for all those questions can be easy for some teachers being far away from people’s mind. They believe that there is no replacement for the formal education system. As a matter of fact, there is a replacement, which is the non-formal system that helps the children to develop their social skills and to be familiar with their outside world. It teaches them also that working together as a team can help them to reach their goal easily. As a result, non-formal education system is a lifelong education, which means it is not something that finishes when the children leave the school.
Works Cited
Holt, John. "School Is Bad for Children." New Directions: Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking. Ed. Peter S. Gardner. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. 59-63.
February 05, 2009
Draft 4
Replacement of Formal Education
End of the formal education system-when teachers or parents look at this phrase, the first reaction will be “Wow it can be such a big disaster for the schools, universities, and institutions”. People in other words will start asking questions, is it a good idea to end the formal education for the children and young youth? What is the replacement? How can that enhance and develop their lives without the formal system? All these questions can be difficult to answer; however, some teachers have figured out a solution, which is a non-formal education system. This new system considers to be more effectively. It will help the children to learn about their world and the meaning of working together (Holt 61, 62).
First of all, most of parents believe that the formal education system is important for their children to increase their knowledge and improve their intelligent skills, but they have to learn about their outside world and practical life as well. In other words, the children need to get out of the school buildings, and they have to get out of that closed environment (61). Unfortunately, when hearing about the outside learning, people handle it as a crazy idea in the beginning. However, teachers start recently to understand the importance of teaching their students outside the schools, and give them the opportunity to know about their world. For instance, some States in the United States start planning to have public schools without buildings. Even more, they are trying to involve and encourage their students in groups to go to the city and learn as if it were their school. For example, they should go to the museums, industries, businesses, and do some activities in the city to teach them some useful general life skills, which can help them to communicate with the outside world in the future (62).
In addition, the non-formal system encourages the children to work together to teach them how they should support and help each other. In fact, when starting doing some researches about the children, the teachers believe that the children have the ability to teach each other. As Holt said, “Let children work together to help each other, learn from each other and each other’s mistakes”. As an example, some schools start involving their students who are in the highest grader to help the students who are in the first grader and having some studying troubles. After a period of time, they find a lot of improvements. Some other schools are also trying to add a kind of new technique to their system called Paired Learning, which means that the children should interact with each other by giving them the same task and let them work together and share the same tests. Also let them share the same results and goals in order to teach them how that will help them in their real world (62).
In conclusion, the answers for all those questions can be easy for some teachers being far away from people’s mind. They believe that there is no replacement for the formal education system. As a matter of fact, there is a replacement, which is the non-formal system that helps the children to develop their social skills and to be familiar with their outside world. It teaches them also that working together as a team can help them to reach their goal easily. As a result, non-formal education system is a lifelong education, which means it is not something that finishes when the children leave the school.
Works Cited
Holt, John. "School Is Bad for Children." New Directions: Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking. Ed. Peter S. Gardner. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. 59-63.
Sense of Dangerous
Gaith Tellisi
January 28, 2009
Sense of Dangerous
There are a lot of people who are attracted to a lot of sports. For example, they go running or swimming. On the other hand, there are some other people who love the feeling of dangerous and sensation of risks. However, they are attracted to kinds of dangerous sports such as driving fast or jumping from very high bridges or towers. They are doing those sports because they love taking risks. Even more, they might want to get out of some bad situation in their lives.
First of all, people who are attracted to the dangerous sports love taking risks. They love that sensation feeling of risks. For instance, some people love riding race cars because they want to feel that kind of speed. They think that when they ride race cars, they can say that they have done something dangerous in their lives, and can help them with their fear. Even more, some of them love jumping from high towers or some bridges to feel that kind of dangerous. As a result, they believe that if they take that risk, it will help them in their work, or in their daily lives. They will not have fear from doing anything.
Second, people who are attracted to that kind of dangerous sports might think that can help them to get out of some problems. For example, when having any problems in their lives, they go directly to this sort of solution, which is a dangerous sport. They believe that as they jump from the highest place, it can help them to feel much better, and they can forget about their problems. Additionally, they think that there is no comparison between their problems and that dangerous sport because their bad situation cannot be dangerous like that sports.
In conclusion, although there are a lot of regular sports that are really good for some people, others feel that the normal sports are not enough for them. They want to take some risks in their lives. Even more, they believe that can help them to avoid some problems related to their daily lives.
January 28, 2009
Sense of Dangerous
There are a lot of people who are attracted to a lot of sports. For example, they go running or swimming. On the other hand, there are some other people who love the feeling of dangerous and sensation of risks. However, they are attracted to kinds of dangerous sports such as driving fast or jumping from very high bridges or towers. They are doing those sports because they love taking risks. Even more, they might want to get out of some bad situation in their lives.
First of all, people who are attracted to the dangerous sports love taking risks. They love that sensation feeling of risks. For instance, some people love riding race cars because they want to feel that kind of speed. They think that when they ride race cars, they can say that they have done something dangerous in their lives, and can help them with their fear. Even more, some of them love jumping from high towers or some bridges to feel that kind of dangerous. As a result, they believe that if they take that risk, it will help them in their work, or in their daily lives. They will not have fear from doing anything.
Second, people who are attracted to that kind of dangerous sports might think that can help them to get out of some problems. For example, when having any problems in their lives, they go directly to this sort of solution, which is a dangerous sport. They believe that as they jump from the highest place, it can help them to feel much better, and they can forget about their problems. Additionally, they think that there is no comparison between their problems and that dangerous sport because their bad situation cannot be dangerous like that sports.
In conclusion, although there are a lot of regular sports that are really good for some people, others feel that the normal sports are not enough for them. They want to take some risks in their lives. Even more, they believe that can help them to avoid some problems related to their daily lives.
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